Michael Sommer
(PhD) is an ELM magazine editorial board member. He was the editor of the German magazine "Erwachsenenbildung" (until 2021) and works as a project developer for the Akademie Klausenhof.
Email: sommer(at)akademie-klausenhof.de

Inclusive approach: “We aim for individuals with and without disabilities to learn together”
A unique approach to create an educational space for everyone is deployed by Austria’s biv, the Academy for Integrative Education.

Ukraine: Overcoming the war with adult education
Adult education institutions in Ukraine have chosen to continue their fundamental educational tasks, even under the extreme conditions of war. “They face the challenge of maintaining regular teaching activities but also ensuring that protective measures are in place for learners and staff,” says Tetyana Hoggan-Kloubert from the University of Augsburg in Germany in her interview with ELM Magazine.

Sustainable development is a collaborative task
What is the best way to involve adult education staff in the process of sustainable development? The ESD Alliances project of the German DVV International brings together European organisations that implement ‘Education for Sustainable Development‘ in their own institution. Three voices from the project show how this can be done on the ground.

A community garden builds a better world cabbage by cabbage
The way to sustainability goes through the stomach. This is the principle behind Solidarity Farming, where people are learning to grow their food without agribusiness and chemicals, like in the old times.

From basic skills to competence overkill
In his essay, Michael Sommer looks at the history of competences from the 19th century until today. Like all living beings, humans are learning organisms that must constantly build, expand and adapt their competencies.

Data literacy helps in the recognition of warning signals
Data literacy should become a new objective in the curriculum of life, demands data expert Katharina Schüller from the German Association of Founders.

Good arguments against destructive behaviour
In Germany, argumentation training has proven to be a good basis for resisting extremist views and racist slogans in everyday life.

Courage, skills and mashed potatoes
Protesting is a key part of democratic culture and a strong civil society. Successful protesting often requires learning a variety of different tactics.

Digital storytelling combines art and technical skills
Digital Storytelling helps people visualise their personal stories in a simple but creative way. At the same time, they learn important digital skills.

The elm stands firmly rooted
In his essay, Michael Sommer looks back on his two decades of collaboration with ELM Magazine and its predecessors.