Michael Sommer
(PhD) is an ELM magazine editorial board member. He was the editor of the German magazine "Erwachsenenbildung" (until 2021) and works as a project developer for the Akademie Klausenhof.
Email: sommer(at)akademie-klausenhof.de

EPALE – A rich beauty with some challenges
The EU has invested a lot of money and human resources in an ePlatform for Adult Learning in Europe, EPALE. How does it work? In honour of the five-year anniversary, Michael Sommer listed the pros and cons of the project.

Who is qualified to be an adult educator?
While teaching primary school children requires a qualification, in many countries virtually anyone can declare themselves to be an adult educator. The GRETA project in Germany is trying to find structure in a field suffering from systemic deskilling.

Don’t study, don’t worry, be happy?
Education in itself does not seem to make life more satisfying, but to lead a happy life, one must be well-informed, says Ruut Veenhoven, Professor Emeritus of social conditions for human happiness. Here’s what he has to say about the relations between health, happiness and learning.

What’s up in digital media literacy education?
To find out how we are doing in the field of digital media literacy, we conducted a small comparison between three European countries. The reported experiences are different – but also the same. Here’s what the Danish, German and Portuguese adult education experts said.

“Erasmus programme needs to be designed more inclusively”
In order to create a unified European area of education, all member states should agree on common educational goals, including a fixed amount they will contribute to education, says Petra Kammerevert.

Illiteracy: Do not hide! Do not ignore!
European project aims to support adult educators in making adult education topics, which are often overlooked in the public discourse, visible in local and regional media, writes Michael Sommer. The text is a column written for issue 2/2018 on Adult Education and the EU.

A big plus for Erasmus+: but what for?
The adult education community should be aware and self-confident enough to maintain a strong position as the future of funding is currently being decided. Adult learning should not be the 5-percent-Cinderella of Erasmus, writes Michael Sommer. The text is a column written for issue 2/2018 on Adult Education and the EU.