Michael Sommer
(PhD) is an ELM magazine editorial board member. He was the editor of the German magazine "Erwachsenenbildung" (until 2021) and works as a project developer for the Akademie Klausenhof.
Email: sommer(at)akademie-klausenhof.de

Education journals can be mediators and agenda setters
Adult education journals and publications are important communicators of research-based knowledge. More and more of them are becoming fully digital.

Blissful bathing among mushrooms and leaves
“Forest bathing” has become a popular relaxation technique in Europe in recent years. The positive effects of this method have been scientifically proven.

Turning invisible visible
For the future of lifelong learning, one key challenge is to recognise and showcase learning wherever it happens. Cities of Learning Programme aims to do just this.

Beliefs matter in numeracy education
Beliefs in adult education should be studied more, says researcher Sonja Beeli. Personal learning histories and specific incidents strongly influence someone’s view of mathematics – and this applies to teachers too.

Dying for beginners
“Last Aid Courses” have been gaining popularity in many parts of the world. They aim to offer basic knowledge in palliative care but also break taboos around death.

Breaking through the barrier of digital complexity
All seniors did not familiarize with modern information and communication tools in their working lives. But now, since digital competence is strongly linked to wider well-being and autonomy, it is time for them to learn. Therefore, there is a need for low-threshold, close to home, meaningful opportunities to learn digital skills.

Stories create identity for one’s own urban life
Life in a city is shaped by common history. How can these roots be best discovered? By telling stories! At “narrative cafés”, people sit comfortably together and talk about their experiences.

“A book, paper, pen – that’s all we need”
The digital transformation has revolutionary consequences also for our continuing education system. It is the trainers that should lead the way, not the students. The text is a column written for issue 3/2019 on Adult Education and Megatrends.

Learning from Icarus at the annual conference of EAEA
Annual Conference of the European Association of Adult Education EAEA was held in Copenhagen in June. Holistic approach on lifelong learning that takes into account all human skills was strongly advocated.

Education to stop child sexual abuse
Child sexual abuse continues to be a widespread phenomenon in Europe despite a European convention expressly requiring all countries to be effective in protecting children. Adult education is now playing an increasingly important role in prevention work.