Learning & teaching
This category offers articles on best practices in learning and teaching, as well as the benefits and challenges of adult education and lifelong learning. These articles also explore global societal phenomena and their connections to lifelong learning.

Playful solutions for lifelong learning
This article was originally published in Elm's predecessor media, LLinE.
The Playful Learning Centre of Helsinki University aims to develop playful solutions to lifelong and blended learning. The authors introduce the Center and reflect on the definitions of play at the backdrop of lifelong learning.

A critical reflection of the current research in online and blended learning
This article was originally published in Elm's predecessor media, LLinE.
This article reviews the state of the research that focuses on online and blended learning. A brief review of the literature is provided followed by critical issues for conducting research in blended learning environments.

Mind the gap or ???? ?????.
A trainer's account of what needed to be learned and unlearned, teaching in a Sahara refugee camp.

“Painful memories turned into something beautiful”
A filmmaking experience proves to be a source of peer support and liberation for vulnerable youth in Slovenia.

Towards holistic, contemporary pedagogies: Focusing on the body and the senses
Eeva Anttila reviews Mira-Lisa Katz's (Ed.) Moving Ideas: Multimodality and Embodied Learning in Communities and Schools.

Song, dance and games – an adult educator’s toolkit
Three adult educators share their holistic methods using dance, music and games.

The Western body in the 2010s- a talk with Robert Gugutzer
German sport sociologist Robert Gugutzer discusses the role of the body in modern society.

The art of the autodidact
Self-taught multimedia artist Robert Ciesla shares his thoughts on creating and learning.

“Liberal adult education for UNESCO cultural heritage”
The grand old man of Nordic liberal adult education, Gösta Vestlund, interviewed in celebration of his 100th birthday.

Teaching for diversity
"Teaching for Diversity" project breaks stereotypes of disabled people in the Czech Republic.