Learning & teaching
This category offers articles on best practices in learning and teaching, as well as the benefits and challenges of adult education and lifelong learning. These articles also explore global societal phenomena and their connections to lifelong learning.

Job markets are opening for open learners
Academic qualification has become more attainable due to the development of open learning programmes. As an increasing number of students pursue education through open universities, qualifications and job market values have to be reconsidered.

Tools to tackle anxiety and depression
If you suffer from depression or anxiety, you might want to try out a “Learn to tackle” course. Instead of distant professionals, here the instructors are volunteers, who have been there themselves.

Psychotherapy: Science, courage, trust and art
Therapy is a journey of self-discovery for the patient, but before this can happen the therapist will have learned to use the central tool of the trade – his or her own psyche.

India’s hidden mental health problem
Life in India is changing from a traditional family-focused to more urban, work-orientated, which can cause burn-outs and rising levels of anxiety. Adult education could bring relief to the situation, but many obstacles lie ahead.

Adult education increases mental well-being
Liberal adult education has multiple benefits to our well-being and mental health.

Three views on renewing learning
Three experts share their visions for how to change learning to meet the needs of the constantly evolving world.

India’s adult education facing challenges
India’s adult education system is focused on the skilled workers offering little or no help to those who have dropped out of education early. However, NGOs step in where the state fails creating opportunities for the most determined ones.

Politics, parents and bug food
Stopping climate change requires innovations from across all sectors of society. In this article, a growing business, a political party and a civil society initiative share their views on learning and activism.

The great dilemma of education
Education should urgently break the chains of society and economy so that learning can genuinely bring about new thinking, says Erkka Laininen.

Museums are maps to the future
Essex Havard, Ian Fraser and Bridget McKenzie explain why museums in Britain have taken on the task of adult education about environment and climate.