Learning & teaching
This category offers articles on best practices in learning and teaching, as well as the benefits and challenges of adult education and lifelong learning. These articles also explore global societal phenomena and their connections to lifelong learning.

“In times like these, one cannot stop learning”
Meet the board series introduces ELM editorial board members: Thomas Jung is a publishing professional who believes in the power of reading.

”Similarities help cooperation, differences are the source of learning ”
Meet the board series introduces ELM editorial board members. Antra Carlsen believes in continuous exchange of know-how.

Open online education ensures education for all
Two education experts share their visions on the democratic potential of the open online education and resources.

Grandmothers learn and teach about mental health in Zimbabwean communities
A health organization trained local grandmothers, gogos, to help tackle rising mental health problems in the area. Gogos are respected in the community and easy to approach.

Where is the human element in digital learning?
For digital education to get better, it needs to be more focused on people and critical thinking, Sean Michael Morris argues.

Teaching in a stressful living environment requires sensitivity
Ilona Taimela taught Finnish children who were living in the Al-Hol camp in Syria. It was also important to support the children’s parents in a situation where families lacked all safety nets.

Can non-formal education be the future of lifelong learning?
Coming out of the pandemic, adult education needs to find ways to transition forward in a way that is democratic and accessible. Resilient adult education leaves no-one behind.

Elm examines learning resilience with OEB
Elm Magazine partners up with Online Educa Berlin for a theme issue in which Elm Magazine examines what resilience in adult education means right now and in the future.

Curiosity led Bjarne Wahlgren to work at the intersection of two worlds
For Bjarne Wahlgren, it was a natural choice to have one career line in education practice and one in academia. More focus on learning transfer is urgently needed, he argues.

Talking senior language students out of insecurities
The older you get, the harder it is to learn a foreign language. Some would say almost impossible. But not Hungarian researcher Emese Schiller.