Learning & teaching
This category offers articles on best practices in learning and teaching, as well as the benefits and challenges of adult education and lifelong learning. These articles also explore global societal phenomena and their connections to lifelong learning.

A Man with Hope
Emeritus Professor Linden West delves into the stories of marginalised people to understand obstacles to adult learning, and to encourage dialogue and democratic participation.

“When I think of resistance, I think of my colleagues”
As war is uprooting lives in Ukraine, adult educators have needed to find flexible solutions to offer the right support. We talked to Oleg Smirnov, who works and lives in Kyiv.

The power of memories
We talked to Professor Aline Sierp about better acknowledging the way collective memories shape our views, politics – and even the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Singapore invests in silver learners
The Asian city state wants to keep its older folk active for longer – silver learners are also deemed an important part of the economic growth.

Pathways from childhood outdoor experiences to engagement in later life – the view from older outdoor enthusiasts
This paper is based on the life stories of 28 older outdoor enthusiasts who reflect on their engagement with a range of outdoor activities during their lives. Their stories reveal that there are particular pathways from early years through middle age that help them to keep their interest and enthusiasm for the outdoors.

CONFINTEA VII – what to expect?
Katarina Popovic from ICAE answers some questions about this milestone event and the civil society’s role in it.

Moving through new landscapes of learning
Doing an Erasmus MA during the pandemic taught Viktoriya Ivanenko that studying online cannot replace engaging with a new culture.

“I don’t really believe in the idea of passive knowledge transfer”
Irene-Angelica Chounta explores how hackathons and other types of “digital making” can make academic learning a more hands-on experience.

Passing on the craft to the next generation
Can intergenerational learning save traditional crafts and be the future of apprenticeship teaching?

Want to be a part of a herd of makers?
We talked to people involved in maker communities across Europe. Whatever the activity is, being creative together is what really matters.