From the Editorial team

Seedling of an Elm
Rock Elm seedling / Photo: Ptelea After the gods Odin, Vili and Vé had created Earth, they roamed its realms, admiring their handiwork. On a sea shore they came upon two fallen trees – an ash and an elm. The gods imbued these trees with life and a thirst for knowledge, and so the

The monk and the singer
Imagine two scenes. The first one features a monk, the second one a singer. The monk has spent years locked away in his chamber, mortifying his flesh, meditating. He strives towards spiritual enlightenment. For the monk, the body needs to be shut out, silenced, bypassed to get closer to the truth. Apparently, for the monk,

On shaping migration
Addressing migration and mobility is crucial for adult educators. As this is not yet self-evident, I explain why it should be. Whether and how migration happens depends on policy choices. Globalization is not ‘somebody’ that shoves people across the border and slams gates shut after them. Open borders, wars and chronic poverty determine whether people

Goodbyes and new openings
It is now nearly seven years when I had the privilege to become the editor-in-chief of our LLinE journal. Taking charge of the journal was in many ways a smooth process, thanks to the grounding work of my predecessor professor Kauko Hämäläinen from the University of Helsinki. I would also like to recognize the pivotal

Promoting resilience in times of social and economical crisis: A critical agenda for lifelong learning
In the midst of serious youth unemployment in many parts of Europe, it feels reasonable to ask how can lifelong learning policies and practices best equip youth to thrive in the 21st century? While recognizing the complexity and multi-dimensionality of this question, in my editorial, I propose resilience as a pivotal lifelong learning agenda.