From the Editorial team

Journalism should be a bridge builder
The journalistic media also plays a role in making research-based knowledge more accessible and visible in everyday life. The text is an editorial written for issue 3/2021 on Research & Practice of Adult Education.

Elm autumn issue 2021 examines research and practice in adult education
Journalistic media such as Elm Magazine can have an important role as a connector between research and practice. For the upcoming theme issue, Elm partners with the Year of Research-based knowledge.

Let’s not forget the world on our doorstep
The pandemic and the rise of online learning have highlighted the significance of being out in the physical world.

How do we learn to be a human in the digital era?
Technology alone cannot solve the big challenges of the coming decades. Soft skills are needed more and more, but do we understand what learning these skills requires in the digital world? The text is an editorial written for issue 1/2021 on Future of Adult Education.

Make democracy great again
If people are fed up with democracy, educators need to come up with new ways to demonstrate the tangible value of democracy but also facilitate open discussion about its failings. The text is an editorial written for issue 4/2020 on Adult Education and Democracy.

Shame is not a good place to start learning
What comes to mind if you think about numeracy or financial skills? For too many people, the strongest feeling is shame. The text is an editorial written for issue 3/2020 on Adult Education and Numeracy & Finance.

Embracing the uncertainty of life
Life is full of things that catch us off guard. To deal with change, we need flexibility, resilience and an open mind – all things that adult education can help provide. The text is an editorial written for issue 2/2020 on Adult Education and the Unexpected.

Who could teach my grandmother to Whatsapp?
The global coronavirus outbreak has exposed how vulnerable the older generation can be in the ever-digitalising world. During self-isolation, learning digital skills is also the gateway to many other forms of learning. The text is an editorial written for issue 1/2020 Adult Education and Mature Learners.

Learning in a close urban community
As more and more people become packed into cities, all aspects of our lives, including learning, will be urbanised. But does the environment have any effect on learning at all? The text is an editorial written for issue 4/2019 on Adult Education and Urban Learning.

Learn or become obsolete
The pace of change in the world is already so fast that nobody can avoid lifelong learning. The text is an editorial written for issue 3/2019 on Adult Education and Megatrends.