World of research
In this category you find articles from the world of research, insightful columns written by researchers and interesting interviews with experts. ELM Magazine presents research in an understandable and accessible way.

Intuition – a game changer for climate change?
Using intelligent intuition may be a game-changing tool in solving wicked problems such as climate change. Intuition is a learnable skill, argues researcher Asta Raami, and it enables us to tap into our non-conscious reservoir of knowledge and experience.

Basic skills for active citizenship
Active citizens, participation, social activities! This vision of active citizenship is impossible for some groups of people. Vulnerable learners may lack basic skills to be able to participate. For adult education to help solve this problem, current studies point to the need to balance the individual and the environmental processes of inclusion and to balance its emotional and functional aspects.

Working life fragilizes and feminizes
The level of education is already so high in Finland that career security cannot be achieved through education the way it once was. Nevertheless, one must constantly be better, says work researcher Tuija Koivunen.

“Humans, not just students” – In-service training boosts Danish educators’ skills
An educator's social skills are a prerequisite for effective teaching, argue Danish researchers.

Milieus and Lifeworld Research
Pedagogues need insight into the lifestyles of their students. Milieu and lifeworld research provides glimpses into emerging identities, attitudes, motivations and behavior of a population.

Actor Network Theory and Adult Education
Actor network theory is an emerging approach in the adult education field. Terrie Lynn Thompson explains the central tenets, and pros and cons of the theory for the researcher and practitioner.

The impact of competence-development opportunities on organizational commitment and the mediating role of job satisfaction
Authors: Pia Heilmann, Mika Vanhala and Hanna Salminen.

An Italian model: Blended Collaborative and Constructive Participation
In Italy, blended learning is still relatively underused. Beatrice Ligorio and Nadia Sansone present the theory and practice behind BCCP, their flexible blended learning model gaining in popularity.

The flipside of blended learning
Eileen Kennedy warns of an uncritical attitude to blended learning. The method requires advanced skills from the learner and high levels of teacher input to produce quality.

Playful solutions for lifelong learning
This article was originally published in Elm's predecessor media, LLinE.
The Playful Learning Centre of Helsinki University aims to develop playful solutions to lifelong and blended learning. The authors introduce the Center and reflect on the definitions of play at the backdrop of lifelong learning.