World of research
In this category you find articles from the world of research, insightful columns written by researchers and interesting interviews with experts. ELM Magazine presents research in an understandable and accessible way.

Sustainable knowledge transfer requires new ways of collaboration
The dialogue between research and practice in adult education must start with considering the fundamental differences between both systems, writes Peter Brandt from the DIE. The text is an essay written for issue 3/2021 on Research & Practice of Adult Education.

Talking senior language students out of insecurities
The older you get, the harder it is to learn a foreign language. Some would say almost impossible. But not Hungarian researcher Emese Schiller.

“I wanted to change the system” – Three paths to research in adult education
Scholars from Iceland, Finland and Ireland share why they embarked on an academic career and how they chose their research topic.

Bringing Bildung ideal to life: Q&A with Michiel Tolman
The Bildung Academy translates classical bildung theory into contemporary education programmes. The founder, Michiel Tolman, wanted to create a broader approach to educating adults.

Neuroscience research is vulnerable to hijacking in the self-improvement market
Neuroscience research will have a resounding effect on how we structure our own learning. But we need to be cautious about how the language of science is used in claims about learning.

Elm autumn issue 2021 examines research and practice in adult education
Journalistic media such as Elm Magazine can have an important role as a connector between research and practice. For the upcoming theme issue, Elm partners with the Year of Research-based knowledge.

Educational games, mobile quizzes and digital badges are transforming learning
How is gamification affecting adult education? Three experts share their views on the future of gamification and game-based learning.

Tomorrow’s learning: utopias and dystopias
Adult education experts and researchers from Serbia, Belgium and Finland share their vision for what learning could and should look like in the coming years.

Beliefs matter in numeracy education
Beliefs in adult education should be studied more, says researcher Sonja Beeli. Personal learning histories and specific incidents strongly influence someone’s view of mathematics – and this applies to teachers too.

Media literacy and seniors – Much more than recognising fake news
A recent study found that particularly older internet users were responsible for sharing fake news online. But there’s much more to the seniors’ media literacy skills than that, as researcher Päivi Rasi reminds us.