Learning & teaching
This category offers articles on best practices in learning and teaching, as well as the benefits and challenges of adult education and lifelong learning. These articles also explore global societal phenomena and their connections to lifelong learning.

A Finnish design book for web-based learning highlights the benefits of Open Educational Resources
Initially created to benefit technical universities in Finland, the Design Book for Online Learning has found a larger audience – thanks to open access and active citizenship.

Managing money: Challenges and solutions
What kind of challenges do adults face in terms of money management and what are the best ways to improve financial skills? Three experts from organisations working against over-indebtedness share their views.

When numbers are a foreign language
Dyscalculia is a specific but not yet extensively researched difficulty in understanding numbers. Having faced difficulties with maths for most of their lives, dyscalculic adult learners might have lost motivation in the subject, making it hard to find the right support.

Increasing financial literacy during the pandemic essential for India’s recovery
In Indian megacities millions of people have no access to banking services due to lack of knowledge or technology. Lack of universal education plays a big part.

The real numeracy needs of 21st century are neglected
Generic numeracy training is rarely interesting or helpful for most adults, researchers claim. Instead, adult education should help people to critically evaluate the structures behind our data-driven world.

Beliefs matter in numeracy education
Beliefs in adult education should be studied more, says researcher Sonja Beeli. Personal learning histories and specific incidents strongly influence someone’s view of mathematics – and this applies to teachers too.

Continuous learning as a right and a necessity
Following Finland’s EU-presidency, we talked to the Finnish Minister of Education, Li Andersson, about the strengths and challenges of the Finnish non-formal adult education and the role of adult learning in surviving the global crisis.

Bringing digital empowerment into everyday life
For the past three years, Lisbon City Council has been working to demystify the use of everyday technology. When covid-19 suspended all in-person training, helping people to use digital tools to fully exercise their citizenship became more relevant than ever.

How does stress affect our learning abilities?
Facing an unexpected situation causes a stress reaction that can physiologically be compared to fear. These changes have an impact on what we memorise and how we learn.

A leap of faith: From engineering to ethnomusicology
It takes some courage to embark on a completely new study path as an adult. For Farshad Sanati, following his passion in music also meant moving to a completely new country with a new climate, language and culture.