Karoliina Knuuti
(MA) is a journalist and a photographer who worked as the editor-in-chief of Elm Magazine 8/2017-01/2020. Contact: karoliina.knuuti(a)gmail.com

Adulthood is a responsibility
Education seems to have many benefits for health – and being able to make better decisions about whom to resort to in times of sickness might be one of them. The text is an editorial written for issue 4/2018 on Adult Education and Health.

Better than well?
It’s not healthy to tell healthy people that they are sick when they are not, says Canadian non-fiction author Alan Cassels. In his books and research, he calls for better medical literacy skills for both doctors and their patients.

Who should start educating badly-behaving adults?
The media literacy skills of school children are a hot topic at the moment. However, the ones most in need for such skills seem to be we adults, who are even more lost in the digital era. The question is, who will take responsibility to fix the problem? The text is an editorial written for issue 3/2018 on Adult Education and Media Literacy.

Too complicated!
However closely it might affect our lives, many EU citizens struggle to keep track of EU issues. For adult educators, however, it’s increasingly becoming a necessity. The text is an editorial written for issue 2/2018 on Adult Education and the EU.

Building community top-down
Adult education has been a neglected field in terms of public attention and funding. The European Commission’s mission has been to change that. Part of their solution: EPALE, a community of colleagues that should give a voice to this diverse field.

Remembering the heritage of the vanquished
Lifelong learning is needed to make sure that the concept of European heritage includes all Europeans. The text is an editorial written for issue 1/2018 on Adult Education and Cultural Heritage.

Too long a CV and no taste for coffee
Behind difficulties in job searching for immigrants, there is often a lack of knowledge about the rules of local working life. In Finnish mentoring projects, the problems are solved together with a local colleague.

“Peace is a long series of conflicts”
If we wish to integrate all excluded individuals and minority groups in the society, we’d better be prepared to talk about awkward issues. The text is an editorial written for issue 4/2017 on Adult Education for Social Inclusion.

Depressive news
Mental health problems continue as one of the major public health problems in Europe. The good news is that adult educators stand on the side of a solution. The text is an editorial written for issue 3/2017 on Adult Education and Mental Health.

The great dilemma of education
Education should urgently break the chains of society and economy so that learning can genuinely bring about new thinking, says Erkka Laininen.