New perspectives
With its insightful articles on adult education and lifelong learning, ELM provides depth and context for new trends and phenomena in society.

Interview with Arjen Wals: A pedagogy of hope for a greener world
New ways of teaching such as transgressive learning can lead to real change, says thought leader Arjen Wals, professor of transformative learning for socio-ecological sustainability.

Grassroots initiatives: Making it to the future
Wojciech Matejko answers three quick questions on the community Open Jazdów in Warsaw, Poland. The community supports people’s initiatives for social, cultural and ecological sustainability. Sometimes re-imagining the future requires looking back to the past.

Transversal skills – why and how to make them visible?
Communication and cooperation skills are important in today´s labour market. But how to assess them? Professor Maurice de Greef from Vrije Universiteit Brussel has studied the validation of transversal skills in the TRANSVAL-EU project.

Future skills for a brave new world
Understanding how artificial intelligence (AI) works is a key skill – now and for tomorrow – says leading computer science and information technology professor Matti Tedre.

How should we define artistic skills?
How should we go about cataloguing artistic skills? Is the mere thought of reducing art to a catalogue of skills an affront to the artist’s creativity? Isn’t art an end in itself? These questions were discussed in Évora, Portugal during a recent workshop framed in the European Year of Skills 2023.

Vocational skills are no longer enough for adult education in Europe
Are vocational skills still enough for adults in the challenging job market? Marcella Milana, professor in education and Chair of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults, believes that unless we consider adults as citizens first, vocational skills won’t be enough.

Future of literacy: diverse and complex
The variety of different forms of text and information in our daily lives is exploding. “Literacy as a concept also needs to expand,” argues Finnish literacy researcher Sari Sulkunen.

Data literacy helps in the recognition of warning signals
Data literacy should become a new objective in the curriculum of life, demands data expert Katharina Schüller from the German Association of Founders.

Our brain was not built for this
In the era of disinformation, we need to learn completely new behaviour models, argues demoracy activist Alice Stollmeyer.

Climate change education requires different tools in urban and rural settings
African countries suffer disproportionately from the consequences of climate change, but have little control over climate policy.