New Forms of Citizenship
New Forms of Citizenship focuses on the learner-citizen amid the megatrends of the 21st century.
Refugees and migrants as a motor to renew democracy and adult education
More autonomy to adult educators on curriculum. More encounters between migrants and natives. More support for progressives within migrant communities. Bernd Käpplinger proposes ideas for adult education in the migration age, in response to Magnus Dahlstedt’s earlier Elm article.
Volunteering against human trafficking – disagreeing with the like-minded
Volunteers at the anti-trafficking organisation RealStars are rewarded with work experience and new skills. Sometimes this may mean testing one’s own views of right and wrong.
Basic skills for active citizenship
Active citizens, participation, social activities! This vision of active citizenship is impossible for some groups of people. Vulnerable learners may lack basic skills to be able to participate. For adult education to help solve this problem, current studies point to the need to balance the individual and the environmental processes of inclusion and to balance its emotional and functional aspects.
Body at gym, mind at therapy
Does our society impose such severe pressures of self-development and competition on its citizens that, to be successful, they need to resort to psychotherapy?
Working life fragilizes and feminizes
The level of education is already so high in Finland that career security cannot be achieved through education the way it once was. Nevertheless, one must constantly be better, says work researcher Tuija Koivunen.
Citizenship – abstraction or reality in the adult learning class?
How are the broad concerns on citizenship actually reflected in the micro-reality of the adult learning class?
Rise Up and Rise to the Occasion after Trump
How should social movements on the left in the United States reach beyond their existing ranks to organize and persuade more and more people across our country?
Freeing citizens’ energies: “Cooperative pacts” in Italy
In a time of general disaffection with institutions and political class, Italians are developing new forms of citizenship to create an authentic relationship with the state and public goods.
On complexity
Our best bet in equipping ourselves for the future is to retain a curious, learning mind.
Democracy in the making
The “refugee crisis” is a stress test for European societies. The challenge is not to foster migrants into pre-given democratic values, Magnus Dahlstedt argues. The challenge is to retain adult education’s ability to question pre-given values. The text is an essay written for issue 1/2017 on New Forms of Citizenship.